

Get directions between your address/position and any location on the map. Show locations within a specific distance of your location/address. Display routes and the directions steps.
Choose a starting point
Enter an address or
geolocate your position.
Click to activate/deactivate the distance search.
2. (When activated) Use the slider to define the size of the search area.
3. Click on the button
to search.
Switch the travel mode.
Click on the marker popup to render the route and the directions steps.
Click to toggle the directions steps widget.
Click to hide the directions steps widget.
Click to remove the currently displayed route and the directions steps widget.
Click to reverse the start point and the destination. This will update the route and the directions steps.
Click to center the map on your starting point.
Click to reset and search from scratch.
Submit location
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The challenge: Parents across Georgia are struggling to find access to quality, affordable child care while facilities struggle to pay staff competitive wages & keep their doors open.

The challenge: Americans owe an estimated $1.75 trillion in student debt. This financial burden can make it more difficult for people to save money, buy homes, pursue additional education or otherwise build wealth.

The challenge: When neighbors lack food, shelter, healthcare, or other resources, they often struggle to find the support they need. PLOTing a Solution:

The challenge: The federal Environmental Protection Agency estimates up to 50 percent of the waste set out by households in their municip…
PLOT your story!

Write 2-3 paragraphs about your location. REQUIRED: Address, Website, (public) Phone WHEN APPLICABLE: Hours, ADA accessibility notes, Pet friendly/not

Write 2 sentence summary

Select or Drag a file

Main image associated with your location

GPS coordinates

Type and select location // Hit "Search" // Click "Get Pinpoint" // Click "Submit Location"